The power of the ‘Trash Cooking’

The FoodE project was born to address food waste in all its areas and forms, in addition to raising awareness of the problem. In this post we approach how we can avoid bad practices at an individual level, getting into concepts that will accompany us in our approach.

One of the keys to reducing food waste is wasteful cooking. We often discard leftovers when preparing our dishes, whether they are ingredients that apparently have no function in our preparation or cooked food that we will not consume in the end. How can we reverse these bad practices and advocate for the responsible use of food?

Trash cooking is the ideal solution to this problem. This concept defines the concept of “wasteful cooking” which allows us to give another chance to leftover food through creativity. It reverses waste, turning it into a fun culinary experience that will help the planet and our wallets.

How do we implement trash cooking optimally? We can make smoothies or jam from ripe fruit, improve our dishes with the skin of these foods or use leftover meat for the preparation of broths that will become soup or the basis of a tasty cooking.

Here is a link to techniques that are not wasted!

Of course, there are healthy foods with which we can avoid waste and also save large amounts of food, thus promoting the care of the planet and a significant improvement in personal economy.

We recommend that you always experiment with the necessary hygienic behaviors to avoid intoxication or health problems.

On the other hand, the practice called FIFO (first in, first out) consists of using first the foods that have been in our pantry or refrigerator the longest, also taking into account the expiration date for the order of consumption.

Other ways to reduce food waste:

When you do batch cooking, distribute the contents in tuppers being aware of the amounts you will need, and do not start another preparation until you see the amount of food resulting from this one.

Freeze food so you don’t get bored eating the same thing several times a week, so you won’t throw away dishes because you no longer feel like them and you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you open your fridge later on.

Take a look at your fridge, freezer, and pantry before you go shopping.

Make a list of ingredients and essential products for your most regular meals. In this way, and with the habit of checking what is left at home, you will save money and avoid throwing away expired products.

Curiosity: Do you know what is the ‘organoleptic quality’ of a product or food? It is the sensory experience that we experience when we interact with them. Well, we can improve this quality by using leftover products or foods that were apparently disposable or unusable.

Fernández, M. (2023, 13, diciembre). Cocina de aprovechamiento, una buena forma de evitar los abusos de comidas de Navidad. Diario de Sevilla.

(2020, 19, noviembre). ‘Trash cooking’: O cómo amar las sobras y partes de alimentos que
nunca pensaste en cocinar. El País. 19/trash-cooking-o-como-amar-las-sobras-y-partes-de-alimentos-que-nunca-pensaste-encocinar.html

Clemente, E. (2014, 14, abril).¿Qué es el Trash-cooking?. DAP.

Trash cooking: en qué consiste y algunos ejemplos. AS.

Fernández, L. (18, julio). “Trash cooking” or how to cook to make the most of the food.

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